"In other words, this is one wacky clown show. And ... there is a kind of existential twist that transforms the performance from an occasionally engaging oddity into something more thoughtful. When it comes to Fringe, not to mention pantomime, that’s no small thing."
The Washington Post
「言い換えればこれは一つの風変わりなクラウンショーだ。加えてそこには実存主義的ひねりのようなものがあり、それが愛嬌のある奇妙なパフォーマンスをさらに思想の深い何かへと変換している。パントマイムは言うまでもなく、話がフリンジとなればこれは少なからずたいしたものである。 」 ワシントン・ポスト
"Super cute and queerly quirky, A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup is, for certain, destined to land in the top tier of Fringe shows this year. Brainy, semi-surrealist physical theatre/comedy is the Tokyo-based performer's stock in trade, and she uses it to great and often hilarious effect in this meticulously constructed (the sound and spacing coordination and cues - of which there are many - were impeccable), disarming and charming and perfectly paced solo production. This is a surefire winner for even the most jaded Fringe fan." The Montreal Hour
「スーパーキュートで、ひと癖もふた癖もあるショー。今年のフリンジ・ショーNo.1の座は『ミスしゃっくりの幸せな一日』で決まったのも同然だ。東京を拠点に活動するパフォーマー・小心ズの本領は、知的でどこかシュールなフィジカルコメディ。細部まで丁寧に作られたパフォーマンスの中で、その素晴らしく愉快な技をたっぷりと見せてくれる(音と動きが寸分なく合う様は見事。間の取り方も申 し分ない)。
愛嬌たっぷりで絶妙なテンポのひとり芝居。感覚が麻痺し切ったフリンジ・ファンさえも必ず喜ばせるに違いない」 The Montreal Hour
"... magical moment that is not only unexpected in its simple innovation, but also surprising in how much you really care about Miss Hiccup by the time the end of her day rolls around." CBC
「何でもない出来事に潜むおかしみに気づこうともしない。そんな疲れ切った大人に、うれしいサプライズだ。まずは、当たり前が当たり前でないという意外な発見にびっくり。ミスしゃっくりと一日を終える頃には、彼女のことがたまらなく愛おしくなっている自分を知って、またびっくり」 CBC
"A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup makes Bjork seem normal...The talented Shoshinz, a masterful physical theatre mistress, delivers a spell-binding performance that is silly and child-like, endearing, and sassy all at once." Times-Colonist
「才能に溢れた小心ズ・フィジカルシアターの女王が生み出すショーは、バカバ カしくて子どものよう、可愛らしくてお洒落。そんな魅力を一気に味わえる。心 を鷲づかみにされる」 Times-Colonist
"Yanomi has brilliant physical acting skills, but her control on her audience as she moves from bit to bit is mind-blowing.
This is a great Fringe show for all ages, breaking down any barriers in purely human movement and emotions expressed in captivating song and at times beautiful movement. A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup is not to be missed!" DC Metro Theatre Arts
「ヤノミは素晴らしい身体演技力を持っているが、ちょっとしたシーンからシーンへの合間に彼女が観客をコントロールする様は衝撃的に見事だ。全ての年齢層にとって素晴らしい作品であり、魅惑的な歌とそれに合わせた美しい動きの中で表現される、純粋に人間的な動作と感情表現はどんなバリアをも取り除く。」 DC Metro Theatre Arts
photo by René Ferrer
Audience Choice Award
FRIGID New York 2013
Best International Show
Orlando Fringe 2013
Best Theatre Performance
Taipei Fringe 2013
Director's Award
Capital Fringe 2012
Best of Fest
Winnipeg Fringe 2010
Spirit of the Fringe
Vancouver Fringe 2010
Best Make-Up & Costume
Orlando Fringe 2010
photo by Masami Suzuki
"A very talented woman" 1/2 DCMTA
"She is a spectacle indeed."
Washington City Paper FRINGE&PURGE
"I highly recommend that you check out this brilliant show."
Winnipeg Theatre
"A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup makes Bjork seem normal...The talented Shoshinz, a masterful physical theatre mistress, delivers a spell-binding performance that is silly and child-like, endearing, and sassy all at once."
Times Colonist
"Try, if you will, to imagine for a moment what Sesame Street might look like if the writers of Sesame Street were under the influence of banned substances...Here is a unique and unpredicable show that will appeal to adults and children alike. Me, I fell in love with it...it is impossible to take your eyes off of her....Miss Hiccup is adorable, mischievous, and full of surprises...with a hypnotic charm that leaves you afraid to blink in case you miss something. Ms. Shoshinz is an impressive talent. Her musical and comic timing are impeccable, and her eyes -- with their huge fake eyelashes -- are fantastically expressive. Miss Hiccup carries you breathlessly along on the simple adventures of her manically choreographed and soundtracked day, and the hour flies. This is physical comedy at its most brilliant and fun, and the show left me with a jaw that ached from laughing." Review Vancouver
"I was enthralled by the sheer ridiculousness of Shoshinz, who left me utterly in stitches." Ubyssey
"It’s not often you run across a show that is satisfying for adults, kids, performers and stoners of all ages, but that’s exactly what you get with this charming and quite often hilarious fast-paced slice of Tokyo clowning....Who knew such mundanities as brushing teeth, making breakfast, going to the bathroom and walking in the rain could be so funny? A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup is a great family show―no wait, make that simply a great show." Monday Magazine
"My cheeks still hurt from all the laughter and enjoyment I received...The pace of the show was fast, with lots of physical comedy, dance, impressive vocal and of course Miss Hiccup, hiccuping all the way through. Miss Hiccup is an experience all on her own...Miss Hiccup adds an extra level and boy is it ever imaginative, upbeat and laugh out loud fun. This show works for all ages including those grumpy adults who’ve forgotten how to have a good time." Plank Magazine
"Serious skills are at play here, with not a glance nor a step wasted…full of kooky surprises." The Montreal Gazette
"If you didn’t catch ShoShinz Presents: A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup, you didn’t Fringe enough this year. This adorable Japanese woman who dresses like an FTD floral bouquet brought us the most charmingly whimsical hour of dialogue-free slapstick ... One look at this living anime acid trip and all I could say was, “Can we take her home, please?”
The Orlando Weekly
"Somewhere between touching and surreal, Miss Hiccup is happy, and you will join her joy." Archikulture
"...there’s both comedy and beauty in the very small things this woman does." Elizabeth Maupin (Orlando theatre critic)
"From the country that gave us Hello Kitty comes something, or someone, even cuter: Miss Hiccup...The clown, from Tokyo, has a sweet little routine that provides a steady stream of smiles and laughter. "
Orlando Sentinel
"... Miss Hiccup is oddly riveting to watch. There’s no dialogue in this show, but none is needed; she’s able to say so much with just the tick of a shoulder or an arch of an eyebrow. A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup is weird, wacky and whimsical ― and it’s also one of the most inventive shows at this year’s Fringe. " [A] Uptown Magazine
"As clown ratings go, the irresistible Yanomi is right up there with the best of the Cirque du Soleil pros." The Montreal Gazette
"... you can’t deny the fact that you are becoming completely enamored of this crazy little lady. ... Miss Hiccup may live in her own lonely, weird world, but she makes sure to find the music in it."
New York Theatre Review
"If you are looking for a whimsical show with a lot of heart A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup is the ticket you are looking for. You may walk out of the theater unsure of how to describe what you have participated in, but you will nonetheless be glad for the experience."
"Yanomi is a master of timing, sound, and movement. …It's beautiful."
"Yanomi may be the clown, but you’d be a fool to miss this performance!"
DC Theatre Scene
"Perfect lighting, impeccable sound, and an intricate yet robust costume round out the factors that make this production worth seeing for any age group. The opening night performance was met with a fully deserved spontaneous standing ovation."
Andrew Snowdon (Ottawa Fully Fringed!)
"...we can walk away from this performance with a renewed appreciation for the power of imagination and the ability of a creative and child-like mind to transform ordinary, daily activities and annoyances into a whacky and wonder- filled world." Laura Chalk (Regina/prairie dog)
"...her prop- and sound-effects-filled one-woman show is surprisingly entertaining. It’s as though she was bumped from Cirque du soleil because she didn’t know any acrobatics." Winnipeg Free Press
"Fresh. Unique. Highly Creative. Adorable.
Winner of The 2010 Fringe Crush Fabby Award (meaning EVERYONE loved her) and winner of Thedailycity.com Audience Choice award for Best Make-up and Costume!
You will fall in love with Miss Hiccup...we all did."
Beth Marshall (The Producer of Orlando Fringe 2010)
(Listed as No.1 show from 2010 Winnipeg Fringe) "I have never seen a show that used sound so well. Plus, she reacts very well with the audience. A terrific commentary on modern life."
Winnipeg theatre/My Personal Top Ten List
"A good indication of this show’s comedic power is that my face hurt from smiling and laughing when I came out of the theatre...Her movements, costuming and lighting were also perfect." Vincent's Victoria
2013臺北藝穗節(台北フリンジフェスティバル 2013年)
「たいへん才能のある女性」 1/2 DCMTA
Washington City Paper FRINGE&PURGE
Winnipeg Theatre
「才能に溢れた小心ズ・フィジカルシアターの女王が生み出すショーは、バカバ カしくて子どものよう、可愛らしくてお洒落。そんな魅力を一気に味わえる。心 を鷲づかみにされる」
私?もちろん、恋に落ちた。 …彼女から目を離すことは不可能だ。いたずらっこのような魅力を振りまきながら、次々にサプライズをくれるミスしゃっくり。何ひとつ見逃したくなくて、瞬きをするのも惜しくなる。
小心ズはとてつもない才能の持ち主だ。音楽にぴたりと合わせる動きと笑いのツボを押さえた間の取り方には、文句のつけようもない。そしてあの目、特大のまつげで飾られた眼差しの表現力には感動を覚える。息もつかせぬ冒険の旅をミスしゃっくりとともにするうちに、時間はあっという間に過ぎていく。これほど素敵で楽しいコミカルなフィジカルシアターにはめったにお目にかかれない。劇場を出る私のあごは笑いすぎで痛くなっていた。」 Review Vancouver
「なんともばかばかしくて面白可笑しい小心ズの虜になった。腹がよじれるほど笑った」 Ubyssey
「大人も子供も、パフォーマーもドラッグ好きも楽しめるショーに出くわすことはそうそうない。『ミスしゃっくりの幸せな一日』はそんな稀有な逸品。東京から来たクラウンが、可愛いらしくてとにかく可笑しい、テンポのいいパフォーマンスを見せてくれる。…歯を磨く、朝食の支度をする、トイレで用を足す、雨の中を歩くといった何でもない行動の一つひとつが、まさかこんなに笑えるとは。ファミリー向けの素晴らしいショー、いや、ファミリー向けと限定せず、ただ素直に素晴らしいショーだと言おう」 Monday Magazine
「笑いすぎて、頬がまだ痛い。コミカルな動き、ダンス、みごとな歌、そしてもちろん、しゃっくりがいっぱいに詰まったテンポのいいショー。最初から最後まで元気いっぱいのミスしゃっくりが観客を煽り、驚愕の想像力と切れのいい動きで爆笑の渦を巻き起こす。老若男女を問わずに楽しめる。楽しみ方を忘れてしまった不機嫌な大人にもおすすめ」 Plank Magazine
「本物の技を見せてくれる。目線一つ、ステップの一歩たりとも無駄がない。イカれたサプライズが満載」 The Montreal Gazette
The Orlando Weekly
「感動とシュールの狭間で、ミスしゃっくりはいつでも幸せだ。一緒にいると、あなたもも幸せになる」 Archikulture
「この女性が見せる極些細なしぐさの中には、笑いと美の両方がある」 Elizabeth Maupin(オーランド劇評家)
Orlando Sentinel
[A] Uptown Magazine
DC Theatre Scene
"Her animation is intoxicating… Kiss Around Pass Around is truly precious." Orlando Sentinel
「彼女の活気に満ちた表現には夢中にさせられる。ケセランパサランは間違いなく尊い。」 オーランド・センチネル
'CRITIC'S PICK' "I need to go see this terrific show again."
City Beat
「'批評家選出作品' 私はこの素晴らしいショーをもう一度観に行かなくては。」 シティ・ビート
"Perhaps the fringe-iest entry of the year. It’s definitely a Fringe experience I’ll remember for years." Behind the Curtain Cincinnati
"...funny, charming and strangely disquieting in its blend of confrontational winsomeness." Montreal Gazette
「面白く、可愛らしく、なおかつ奇妙に不安にさせられる、そういった対立する愛嬌が溶け合う。」 モントリオール・ガゼット
"It's alternately silly, touching, bizarre and lovely: quite the feat for any Fringe show." Vue Weekly
「馬鹿馬鹿しさ、感動、奇妙さ、そして愛らしさが交互に現れる。フリンジ作品として並外れた偉業だ。」 Vue Weekly
"Gorgeous sound effects and music, … Definitely family friendly; I may go again with my son." The Edmonton Journal
photo by Tisse Mallon
Best International Show
Orlando Fringe 2015
Patron’s Pick
Orlando Fringe 2015
Artists’ Pick
Cincinnati Fringe 2015
photo by Richard Hanna